Tag / green architecture
Australian homes of the future
A new standard for Australian homes will help drive the transformation of the housing market to ensure new homes are built to a higher standard which is focused on health, resilience and net zero energy. The full article can be accessed via the link below:
A Little bit about acoustics
What Are Decibels? (Or How Noises Affect Our Health)
Continuum of architectural services
Michael Peck, architect and former National President and CEO of the Australian Institute of Architects, reflects on recent high-profile failures in apartment construction, and interrogates the differences between the way the law imagines a “continuum of architectural services from design through to the completion of the building” and reality, where responsibilities are obscure and fragmented.
The New Castaways in The Cairns Post – 2
Look what’s in the paper just after presenting the new resort project to the community and the Council on Tuesday 10th of April 2018 !!
The New Castaways in The Cairns Post – 1
The Cairns Post article on the Mission Beach plan.
The New Castaways in the Innisfail Advocate
$70Million Development for Mission Beach an economic boost to the township and surrounds.