Bachelor of Science (Architecture)
Bachelor of Architecture (Honours)
University of Newcastle (1980)
Masters Degree Tropical Architecture 2000
Registered Architect in Qld & NSW
Fellow – Royal Australian Institute of Architects
Founding Member – Queensland Board for Urban Places
Past Member – Urban Development Institute of Australia
Area of Expertise: Gordon has developed particular skills in the strategic planning, design and project management of major projects. Strengths lie in initiating design concept and developing project teams, assessing and negotiating relevant authority approvals, programming activities, co-ordination of design disciplines, contract administration and delivery of completed projects.
Recent Projects: Gordon’s most recent experience includes:
- Architecture, Master-Planning, Town Planning, Interior Design and Project Management.
- Projects include hotels and resorts, commercial premises, industrial estates, sporting facilities, residential multi units and residences for the tropical climate.
- Expert legal report & witness services
- Gordon has extensive experience in working with and coordinating multi-disciplinary teams and brings to each project a wide range of master-planning, design and management experience in Australia, South-East Asia and the Pacific Region.
Relevant Previous Experience:
Gordon has previously directed a number of international firms providing services as Architects, Planners, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects and Graphic Designers. During this period Gordon was responsible for the design and coordination of a number of major resort and international hotel projects, including the Sheraton Mirage Gold Coast.
In August 2009 Gordon was appointed as a founding board member of the Queensland Government’s Board for Urban Places to “lift the profile and respect for the role of good design in delivering Queensland’s major projects and infrastructure”.
Gordon has previously designed and delivered major projects, over $800M in value, for the Royal Family of Brunei, including their International Conference Centre, Royal Hospital and residences.
Legal Expert Witness
Gordon’s early work required particularly diligent attention to legal matters associated with larger scale development projects and has undertaken a number of commissions for expert legal opinion and reporting in NSW and Queensland.